Sculptra (PLLA Volume Injectable) 

 Sculptra is an injectable cosmetic filler that can be used to restore facial volume lost due to aging. It contains poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA), a biocompatible material that stimulates collagen production. It can be used to treat facial fat loss, and deep lines, to yield a more youthful appearance.  

What is the difference between Sculptra and other injectable products? 

Sculptra is a unique cosmetic injectable. The majority of fillers utilize hyaluronic acid to create additional volume beneath the skin. However, Sculptra has a unique mechanism it is one of the few that actually addresses the underlying cause, lost collagen, and causes new type 1 collagen to form. 

By age 45, up to 25% of our skins’ own collagen is lost. The effects begin deep within the skin as Poly- L-Lactic Acid (PLLA) microparticles are injected into the appropriate plane. PLLA is similar to the material found in absorbable sutures. The PLLA particles recruit fibroblasts that deposit collagen and help reinforce the skin’s inner structure. 


Benefits of the Sculptra Volume Injectable 

  • Sculptra is long-lasting: it can create volume in the skin and collagen underneath for up to two years. 

  • One hundred percent of patients still showed improvement in the appearance of wrinkles two years post-treatment. 

  • Sculptra is FDA approved for aesthetic use. 


How many treatments of Sculptra are needed? 

Initially, three treatments of Sculptra every 4-6 weeks are recommended to achieve desired results. Our office recommends a Sculptra touch-up treatment every 12-24 months. 


How much does Sculptra cost? 

The cost of Sculptra depends on several factors, including: 

  • Amount of enhancing or correction necessary to achieve the desired result 

  • Number of treatment visits required

  • Number of vials used 

  • Discounts or offers in our clinic 

 Please schedule a consultation with one of our expert aestheticians to see if Sculptra could be a solution for your fine lines, wrinkles, or loss of volume concerns.